
Download git repository

When it comes to downloading a Git repository, there are several methods to do so. Two commonly used methods are curl and git clone, but there is also a third method called git archive --remote. In this article, we will compare these three methods and discuss their advantages and disadvantages.


curl is a command-line tool for transferring data over the network. It can be used to download files from a remote server, including Git repositories. To download a Git repository using curl, you need to specify the URL of the repository and the desired branch or commit.

For example, to download the master branch of a repository, you can use the following command:

curl -L -o repo.tar.gz

This command will download the repository as a compressed archive and save it as repo.tar.gz in the current directory.


  • Simple to use.
  • Suitable for downloading a single file or repository.


  • Does not provide version control capabilities.
  • Not suitable for collaboration or contribution.

Let’s download multiple files, including subdirectories for Gitlab using curl with xargs

project_id=1234 # from project settings

# You may need to pass token for each curl
#curl -H "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" ...

curl -# -L "$gitlab_api_url/projects/$project_id/repository/tree?path=$dir&ref=$branch&recursive=true" | jq -r '.[] | select(.type == "blob") | .path' | xargs -I{} curl -# --create-dirs -L -o {} "$gitlab_api_url/$project/raw/$branch/{}"

git clone

git clone is a command specifically designed to download Git repositories. It not only downloads the repository but also sets up a local copy on your machine that is linked to the remote repository. This means you can easily pull in updates from the remote repository and push changes back to it. To clone a repository using git clone, you need to specify the URL of the repository.

For example, to clone a repository from GitHub, you can use the following command:

git clone

This command will create a new directory named repo in the current directory and download the contents of the repository into it.


  • Provides version control capabilities.
  • Suitable for collaboration and contribution.
  • Can be used to download and update the repository easily.


  • Requires Git to be installed on your machine.
  • Requires more complex command and setup compared to curl.

git archive –remote

git archive –remote is a variation of the git archive command that can be used to download an archive of a remote Git repository without cloning it. This command is useful if you want to download a snapshot of a remote repository without downloading the entire repository history. For example, to download the master branch of a remote repository as a zip archive, you can use the following commands:

git archive --remote= --format=zip master


git archive --remote master | tar -xvf -

The first command will download a zip archive named that repository without cloning the entire repository.


  • Provides version control capabilities.
  • Can download a specific commit, branch, or tag of a remote repository.
  • Suitable for downloading a snapshot of a repository without cloning it.


  • Requires Git to be installed on your machine.
  • Does not provide the same level of integration with Git as git clone.
  • May require authentication if the remote repository is private.


The choice of method to download a Git repository depends on your specific needs. If you just need to download a single file or repository, curl is a simple and straightforward option. If you need version control capabilities, collaboration, and contribution, git clone is the best choice. If you only need a snapshot of a repository, git archive or git archive –remote can be used to download specific branches, tags, or commits without cloning the entire repository